exploring ashland!
hello everyone, this is rosalie writing!
[spoiler alert!]
today i went to explore a not yet released area in star stable online,
how did i get there? i got there with the help of !this! video by corinne misthill!!
↳ashland is located in the northern dino valley! it hasn't been released yet, but it is in the game.
at the moment it's very small and pretty simple, but it could be extended. who knows (except for the production team).
at the moment there is just one long road, a house and a volcano. when you go off the road a yellow text will pop up saying something like "this area is too dangerous to be accessible. turn back to the road." i wonder if star stable will add something actually dangerous, as at the moment it's just smoke and bushes.
the house looks really nice in my opinion, and i really want to know who lives in it!!
as the area obviously is still in production, the volcano is glitchy so you can go right through it and float on the magma inside!
☆fun fact:
the volcano is called "garnok's fury"
my prediction is that ashland will be connected to the main story as a lot of it is centered around garnok.
i unexpectedly met another player exploring ashland!
so far it's looking really nice and i can't wait for it to be released! i hope they extend it so when it is finally released we get to explore and find a lot of new stuff!
-rosalie snowmountain, nutty city riding club
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